02 Dec

- Understand anticipated shifts in our future and their implications for your business/organization.
- Examine current global trends and their underlying reasons.
- Capitalize on future opportunities.

- Receive assistance in implementing policies that help you accomplish your goals
Quick Facts
20Years Experience
10000People inspired
150Lectures & workshops
85Client scores
50Countries visited
Quick Facts
20Years Experience
10000People inspired
150Lectures & workshops
85Client scores
50Countries visited
Using technology, innovation & science for Social Innovation
Welcome to my page! I am Marya Yaqin, an innovator, trendwatcher, and keynote speaker. I am dedicated to providing bespoke services that propel organizations focused on creating and implementing meaningful real changes that help to solve complex social problems by using tech, innovation, and science. My main goal is to enable organizations to put effective solutions into practice.
Transformative keynotes, coaching, and consulting for sustainable success
My mission is to help organizations reach their full potential through impactful keynote speeches, expert coaching, and innovative consulting. I customize programs to meet the unique needs of each sector, providing the insights and strategies necessary for overcoming challenges and achieving sustainable growth. With a main focus on value creation, I assist my clients in developing and refining their products and services, integrating new value models, and leveraging technological advancements. I also provide insights into current global trends and future developments to ensure they are well-prepared for emerging opportunities and challenges.
My vision is to drive positive change and sustainable success for startups, governments, businesses, and educational institutions. By 2029, I aim to support at least 1,000 organizations in solving complex global problems, including economic transitions and climate change, while ensuring a sustainable future. Would you like to join me on this journey? Contact me through this form, and let’s work together to create impactful change and achieve lasting success.
Explore insights and trends (in English)
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Empowering Growth with SDGs
As a trend watcher and innovator, my goal is to promote social innovation and global abundance by aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Below, I have attached blogs exploring how technology can advance these goals, providing practical examples and insights on empowering communities, driving positive change, and fostering a more sustainable world.
A guide to understanding AI, AI Agents and Automation
January 27, 2025
Temporal leap
exploring cycles – a journey through past, future, and global connectivity
Three years ago, I envisioned writing a story that combines some real-life events with a touch of imagination. Now, I've made the choice to breathe life into this story, and I'm excited to present the initial chapter to you. Click below for further details. More chapters are on the way every two weeks, so stay tuned for the next thrilling installment! 😊
Most recent chapters:
Chapter 20. The passion of curiosity.
October 13, 2024
Chapter 19. Challenges that changed my legal path
October 2, 2024
Blogs in Dutch (Netherlands)
Since I live in the Netherlands and have many Dutch readers, I have decided to write some of my blogs exclusively in Dutch. The listed blogs below cater to this preference. If you desire to peruse my remaining blog entries in Dutch, kindly select the Dutch flag provided beneath each blog entry.
Van een probleem naar een duurzame oplossing: effectieve stappen, strategieën en aandachtspunten
Overige blogartikelen in het Nederlands
Hieronder zijn additionele artikelen gepubliceerd die in het Nederlands zijn geschreven.
Tools voor Online Samenwerking en Creativiteit
February 7, 2025
Belangrijkste functionaliteiten van Miro
February 7, 2025
Finding creative solutions for Social Innovation
The possibilities of today’s solutions are only limited by the way we think. Nevertheless, a future of vast prosperity ending many of the world’s most cumbersome challenges is achievable through novel techniques that use disruptive technologies and innovation methods.
The goal should be to drive social innovation by integrating new technologies and cutting-edge techniques instead of fearing change. I help organizations, from governments to startups, unlock their potential by connecting them with a vast network of tools, skills, insights, and professionals. This way, every opportunity to develop and implement new ideas and approaches that solve social problems is achieved.
We are already experiencing the disruptive technology of AI, blockchain technology, and quantum computing systems. I work to help organizations and businesses understand how we can leverage these new tools to free society from the common problems we face and allow a new generation of thinkers, dreamers, and creatives realize their dreams.
Innovator, trendwatcher & keynote speaker
Together with my network of professionals, I provide the tools for a unique perspective on the growing trends affecting the world. I offer various tailored services that empower organizations of all sizes to overcome common challenges and increase their ability to tackle the roadblocks ahead.
From getting close up and personal with your unique processes to helping implement solutions based on strategic plans, I will help you accelerate positive change throughout your organization, with the final goal being taking steps toward social innovation and singularity.
Every service I provide is unique to the client, but in general, include the following:
- Coaching/training
- Brainstorming sessions
- New product/service conception
- Keynote speaker & trendwatching
- Preparing organizations for future developments
- Introducing innovative processes for systematic change
- Driving innovation in a static organization
- Social innovation consulting
- Digital trend advising
- And more!
Choose one of the following services based on your organization type. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
With my partners I offer tailored solutions for government and semi-government organizations, including policy development, public administration, and digital transformation.
For educational institutions seeking support in enhancing their learning environments, curriculum development, or technology integration, we offer specialized solutions. Click below to learn more.
WIth my network I do offer a comprehensive range of services for corporate firms and corporations, including industry innovation, company strategy, product development, staff training, and more. Click below to learn more
Startups and entrepreneurs frequently need assistance to manage the difficulties of building a successful company. I have the knowledge and almost 20 years of experience to help you, whether you need support with market research or product development. Click below to learn more about our offerings and how I can help your startup.
I value your interest in my services and look forward to assisting you in achieving your goals. For more information, please click on the relevant links above to explore the details of each service.
About me
Standing by and watching future innovative trends pass by has never been my style. I like to dive into actionable steps that transform these new technologies into positive change for the world around us. For years I have worked in unique tech spaces using digitalization to drive social innovation.
We have a rare opportunity to seize the incredible new insights, methods, and tech introduced daily by free thinkers and designers to affect real change in our society. As an international innovator, trendwatcher, keynote speaker, and independent entrepreneur, I have grown a robust network of media, tools, and fellow professionals that can accelerate social innovation in the organizations.
My goal is very simple: help bring clients into the modern world by inspiring new ways of thinking, working, and brainstorming. This helps everyone take steps forward to singularity by elevating an organization’s capabilities with the latest tools and technologies. So let’s schedule a time to discuss a collaboration!

About me
"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere."
-Albert Einstein.
My clients

Astrid Bolland
Senior auditor, lecturer and projectmanager at Hogeschool Utrecht
"Marya gave our business administration teaching team at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences an inspiring workshop on global trends and their effects on the future of education. Marya is a versatile professional and socially-driven entrepreneur with a wealth of knowledge about the possibilities of social media. The workshop is highly recommended for translating the many (technological) trends into the future of your own work and profession!"
Jan van der Werff
Director at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland
Early 2010, an employee who was responsible for the innovative e-mentoring project, left the organization. I asked Marya to help me out. She quickly and adequately stepped into it and thereby arrested and secured the project's success.
Joanita Bonnier
Agile Coach & Scrum Master
"Marya was one of our three workshop leaders during the 14th Women in Pharma & Medical Devices meeting in October 2018. Everyone was extremely enthusiastic about Marya’s workshop. Marya's strength lies in her realism as a trend watcher regarding the advantages and possible disadvantages of all developments in the current 4th industrial revolution, while simultaneously motivating everyone to come out from under the stone and participate."
Jan van der Werff
Director at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland
"Marya has been a project leader in a complex and multi-year project focused on promoting diversity. Both qualitative and quantitative results have been achieved within the set timeframe! Marya is quick, socially skilled, and result-oriented."
Rob Barnhoorn
"Accessible and understandable story, explained with many examples. Marya is interactive, has humor, and can effectively engage the audience."
May-May Meijer
Front-end Developer
"Marya Yaqin is a young, talented and inspiring professional. She sketched for Peace SOS how to encourage peace based on the newest possibilities and latest technologies. This helps us to broaden our mindset and to think about new ways how to achieve peace and how to anticipate on new developments which do not contribute to peace and should be taken into account. Therefore I would certainly recommend to aks what Marya can do for you"
Bart van de Hulsbeek
Administrative Advice
"I had an incredibly inspiring collaboration with Marya when I hired her in Amsterdam-Noord to take over a hundred residents and entrepreneurs on a journey into the future of mobility and parking in a nutshell. With practical examples and moving visuals, she managed to captivate everyone from start to finish. We have laid a solid foundation for further collaboration. And we will surely do it more often."
Franklin Prosman (MBA)
Senior Data Analytics Consultant
"Marya is a driven and exceptionally knowledgeable individual in the field of satisfaction and loyalty research. Additionally, she is a pleasant person to work with!"
Anneloes Schulte
D66 Ede
"Marya was an innovative and enthusiastic manager of social media for D66. She was well-informed about the latest developments in social media and knew how to leverage them. Marya was also well-versed in political and social developments, and she held a clear and well-founded opinion."
Dennis Coelingh
Founder of ND-Network
"Marya set up a CMS system for my company. The service, speed, and accuracy she provided make me happy to return as a customer. Marya did what she said and said what she did! Just clear."
Astrid Bolland
Senior auditor, lecturer and projectmanager at Hogeschool Utrecht
“Marya heeft ons docententeam bedrijfskunde (hogeschool Utrecht) een inspirerende workshop gegeven over global trends en de effecten op de toekomst van het onderwijs. Marya is een veelzijdige professional en maatschappelijk gedreven ondernemer met bijzonder veel kennis over de mogelijkheden van social media. De workshop is een aanrader om de vele (technologische) trends te vertalen naar de toekomst van je eigen werk en beroep!”.
Joanita Bonnier
Agile Coach & Scrum Master
"Marya was een van onze drie workshopleiders tijdens de 14e bijeenkomst van Women in Pharma& Medical Devices in Oktober 2018. Iedereen was laaiend enthousiast over Marya’s workshop. De kracht van Marya is dat ze als trendwatcher realistisch is over de voor- en mogelijke nadelen van alle ontwikkelingen in de huidige 4e industriële revolutie en tegelijkertijd iedereen motiveert om onder de steen vandaan te kruipen en mee te doen"
Jan van der Werff
Director at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland
“Marya is projectleider geweest in een complex en meerjarig project waarin bevordering van diversiteit centraal stond. Zowel kwalitatieve als kwantitatieve resultaten zijn behaald èn binnen gestelde termijn ! Marya is snel, sociaal vaardig en resultaatgericht.”
Rob Barnhoorn
"Toegankelijk en begrijpelijk verhaal, toegelicht met veel voorbeelden verhaal. Marya is interactief, heeft humor en kan de zaal op een positieve wijze naar haar hand zetten."
Jan van der Werff
Directeur at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland
“Marya is projectleider geweest in een complex en meerjarig project waarin bevordering van diversiteit centraal stond. Zowel kwalitatieve als kwantitatieve resultaten zijn behaald èn binnen gestelde termijn ! Marya is snel, sociaal vaardig en resultaatgericht.”
May-May Meijer
Front-end Developer
"Marya Yaqin is a young, talented and inspiring professional. She sketched for Peace SOS how to encourage peace based on the newest possibilities and latest technologies. This helps us to broaden our mindset and to think about new ways how to achieve peace and how to anticipate on new developments which do not contribute to peace and should be taken into account. Therefore I would certainly recommend to aks what Marya can do for you"