Corporate businesses & companies

There is a unique opportunity to drive tremendous change in the business world. A fine line must be walked between cultivating revenue while benefiting society at large, and that is precisely where my expertise in managing innovation, trend watching, and social innovation can help.

Corporate businesses and companies are exceptional places for social innovation because they have resources, expertise, and influence that can be used to address social and environmental challenges.

Not only can these social responsibilities be achieved, but new digital trends, business models, and governance can be introduced to ensure the creative business solutions introduced also streamline the many complex processes of a business so real financial savings can be achieved.

Pursuing singularity and innovation through the support of many advanced tools will revolutionize society and be a competitive focus for businesses and companies. Some businesses may be interested in developing, deploying advanced technologies, and helpful equipment, while others may be interested in exploring the ethical and societal implications of these developments. In either case, corporate businesses and companies may have the resources and expertise to contribute to the development and understanding of singularity and social innovation.

With my network of connections and unique perspective and knowledge, I can help drive this change while keeping a finger on the pulse of the potential social and environmental impacts of new actions.

Various services

Everything starts by meeting with the key figures in your business to begin rethinking your challenges, allowing space for free thinking and inspiration. I am happy to meet online or offline and can offer services in Dutch and English. In some cases, I can also provide services in Persian and Russian.

The services I cover for corporate businesses & companies involve:

  • Coaching & training: many businesses seek competitive advantages through innovative technology and new critical-thinking mindsets. I can bring the tools necessary to keep your team updated on these developments, so everyone is on the same page.
  • Brainstorm sessions: a business lives and dies based on the ideas of its internal and external stakeholders, as well as other industry trends. I can bring diverse thoughts and viewpoints to improve and create possibilities with your team and other stakeholders. Together we can achieve the company goals by identifying new opportunities, streamlining current operations, or developing innovative solutions without losing sight of your critical processes and economic concerns.
  • Helping to create new products & services: there are endless opportunities to rethink how to best position a new product or service, offer complimentary upsells, increase features for specific markets, and more. My particular background in quantitative finance and economics gives me unique insight into how sectors and future products can be developed.
  • Speaking about future/current worldwide trends: I can offer an international perspective about the latest developments affecting the world by keeping updated on any new news, articles, research papers, and insights. I can help also to improve your business by offering specific product/service-related solutions.  That includes looking at AI/ML integration and how your product/service can be used in tandem with the Meta economy.
  • Preparing for futuristic developments: getting unique guidance and perspective on what will be coming soon to your specific niche industry and market offers your business a powerful tool to prepare for new trends and consumer fluctuations.
  • Improving current processes: technological developments can drive efficiencies and help expand your processes to include social innovation initiatives that drive your business to the forefront of reaching singularity.
  • Helping cultivate innovation: if you want to thrive in the business world, you need to innovate. I love digging deep into the various ideas, new business- and management models and new technologies being considered by your team and how my experience can elevate these concepts so your business experiences high-potential growth.
  • Consulting & advisory services: I’ll bring my background, knowledge, network and expertise to task on the multiple challenges your business or corporate environment faces.

I can provide you with a combination of the aforementioned services, suited to your unique requirements and preferences. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would want to discuss the possibilities further.

You can learn more about the various methods I use during my bespoke services by viewing this page

What my clients say

Astrid Bolland

Senior auditor, lecturer and projectmanager at Hogeschool Utrecht
“Marya heeft ons docententeam bedrijfskunde (hogeschool Utrecht) een inspirerende workshop gegeven over global trends en de effecten op de toekomst van het onderwijs. Marya is een veelzijdige professional en maatschappelijk gedreven ondernemer met bijzonder veel kennis over de mogelijkheden van social media. De workshop is een aanrader om de vele (technologische) trends te vertalen naar de toekomst van je eigen werk en beroep!”.

Joanita Bonnier

Agile Coach & Scrum Master

 "Marya was een van onze drie workshopleiders tijdens de 14e bijeenkomst van Women in Pharma& Medical Devices in Oktober 2018. Iedereen was laaiend enthousiast over Marya’s workshop. De kracht van Marya is dat ze als trendwatcher realistisch is over de voor- en mogelijke nadelen van alle ontwikkelingen in de huidige 4e industriële revolutie en tegelijkertijd iedereen motiveert om onder de steen vandaan te kruipen en mee te doen"

Jan van der Werff

Director at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland
“Marya is projectleider geweest in een complex en meerjarig project waarin bevordering van diversiteit centraal stond. Zowel kwalitatieve als kwantitatieve resultaten zijn behaald èn binnen gestelde termijn ! Marya is snel, sociaal vaardig en resultaatgericht.”

Rob Barnhoorn

"Toegankelijk en begrijpelijk verhaal, toegelicht met veel voorbeelden verhaal. Marya is interactief, heeft humor en kan de zaal op een positieve wijze naar haar hand zetten."

Jan van der Werff

Directeur at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland
“Marya is projectleider geweest in een complex en meerjarig project waarin bevordering van diversiteit centraal stond. Zowel kwalitatieve als kwantitatieve resultaten zijn behaald èn binnen gestelde termijn ! Marya is snel, sociaal vaardig en resultaatgericht.”

May-May Meijer

Front-end Developer