

Astrid Bolland

Senior auditor, lecturer and projectmanager at Hogeschool Utrecht
"Marya gave our business administration teaching team at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences an inspiring workshop on global trends and their effects on the future of education. Marya is a versatile professional and socially-driven entrepreneur with a wealth of knowledge about the possibilities of social media. The workshop is highly recommended for translating the many (technological) trends into the future of your own work and profession!"

Jan van der Werff

Director at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland

Joanita Bonnier

Agile Coach & Scrum Master

"Marya was one of our three workshop leaders during the 14th Women in Pharma & Medical Devices meeting in October 2018. Everyone was extremely enthusiastic about Marya’s workshop. Marya's strength lies in her realism as a trend watcher regarding the advantages and possible disadvantages of all developments in the current 4th industrial revolution, while simultaneously motivating everyone to come out from under the stone and participate."

Jan van der Werff

Director at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland
"Marya has been a project leader in a complex and multi-year project focused on promoting diversity. Both qualitative and quantitative results have been achieved within the set timeframe! Marya is quick, socially skilled, and result-oriented."

Rob Barnhoorn

"Accessible and understandable story, explained with many examples. Marya is interactive, has humor, and can effectively engage the audience."

May-May Meijer

Front-end Developer

Bart van de Hulsbeek

Administrative Advice

"I had an incredibly inspiring collaboration with Marya when I hired her in Amsterdam-Noord to take over a hundred residents and entrepreneurs on a journey into the future of mobility and parking in a nutshell. With practical examples and moving visuals, she managed to captivate everyone from start to finish. We have laid a solid foundation for further collaboration. And we will surely do it more often."

Franklin Prosman (MBA)

Senior Data Analytics Consultant

"Marya is a driven and exceptionally knowledgeable individual in the field of satisfaction and loyalty research. Additionally, she is a pleasant person to work with!"

Anneloes Schulte

D66 Ede

"Marya was an innovative and enthusiastic manager of social media for D66. She was well-informed about the latest developments in social media and knew how to leverage them. Marya was also well-versed in political and social developments, and she held a clear and well-founded opinion."

Dennis Coelingh

Founder of ND-Network

"Marya set up a CMS system for my company. The service, speed, and accuracy she provided make me happy to return as a customer. Marya did what she said and said what she did! Just clear."

Astrid Bolland

Senior auditor, lecturer and projectmanager at Hogeschool Utrecht
“Marya heeft ons docententeam bedrijfskunde (hogeschool Utrecht) een inspirerende workshop gegeven over global trends en de effecten op de toekomst van het onderwijs. Marya is een veelzijdige professional en maatschappelijk gedreven ondernemer met bijzonder veel kennis over de mogelijkheden van social media. De workshop is een aanrader om de vele (technologische) trends te vertalen naar de toekomst van je eigen werk en beroep!”.

Joanita Bonnier

Agile Coach & Scrum Master

 "Marya was een van onze drie workshopleiders tijdens de 14e bijeenkomst van Women in Pharma& Medical Devices in Oktober 2018. Iedereen was laaiend enthousiast over Marya’s workshop. De kracht van Marya is dat ze als trendwatcher realistisch is over de voor- en mogelijke nadelen van alle ontwikkelingen in de huidige 4e industriële revolutie en tegelijkertijd iedereen motiveert om onder de steen vandaan te kruipen en mee te doen"

Jan van der Werff

Director at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland
“Marya is projectleider geweest in een complex en meerjarig project waarin bevordering van diversiteit centraal stond. Zowel kwalitatieve als kwantitatieve resultaten zijn behaald èn binnen gestelde termijn ! Marya is snel, sociaal vaardig en resultaatgericht.”

Rob Barnhoorn

"Toegankelijk en begrijpelijk verhaal, toegelicht met veel voorbeelden verhaal. Marya is interactief, heeft humor en kan de zaal op een positieve wijze naar haar hand zetten."

Jan van der Werff

Directeur at Stichting VluchtelingenWerk Oost Nederland
“Marya is projectleider geweest in een complex en meerjarig project waarin bevordering van diversiteit centraal stond. Zowel kwalitatieve als kwantitatieve resultaten zijn behaald èn binnen gestelde termijn ! Marya is snel, sociaal vaardig en resultaatgericht.”

May-May Meijer

Front-end Developer

Current Projects/Work:

  1. Currently working on training modules for the Dutch Ministry of Economics, focusing on global developments, future trends, and using AI for good governance. The program includes practical training in prompt engineering and hands-on workshops with real-life scenarios.

  2. Also work as Freelance thesis supervisor at Hogeschool Utrecht, Degree ICT, focusing on AI and (open) software development

Recently completed projects/work:

  • Former freelance course content developer at OS-SCI BV, developed two modules:
    • AI and its Ethical Implications
    • Conducting and Documenting Research in the Age of AI

My clients & (previous) employers

It is my absolute pleasure also to showcase the many international clients of all sizes and scopes here,along with my previous employers for whom I have undertaken various projects. Please feel free to browse through so you better understand the diverse nature of my services as a professional with experience in social innovation, a committed trendwatcher, and a keynote speaker offering unique insights into digitalization as it applies to the discussion of singularity.

Beneath this text, you will find a compilation of clients and employers for whom I have been diligently providing services since a young age.

Lets get in touch

Contact me today to discuss the possibilities.