Chapter 20. The passion of curiosity.

Earlier, I posted Chapter 1-19 of my new series of blogs, which will collectively form an online book. Below, I have attached Chapter 20.
Chapter 20: The passion of curiosity.
Disclaimer: Since this is primarily a fictional story, please do not take everything I write too seriously
[…] “What happens next?” Elara asked, her voice brimming with curiosity.
“I’ll tell you soon,” I replied with a grin. “But first, how about we take a break and walk around the building a bit? I’m sure there are parts of the company you haven’t seen yet, at least not in detail. You probably don’t know where everything is.”
Elara nodded. “Yeah, that’s true,” she admitted. “I only really know the 32nd floor and the café.” She smiled softly. “Besides, your story is so interesting that I completely forgot about exploring the rest of the place.”
“Well then, it’s about time I gave you the grand tour.” I stood up, leaving our belongings behind. “Let’s go.”
Together, we walked toward the elevator, ready to see more of the company she had yet to discover.
I took Elara to the second floor of our building, where we had a massive fitness room filled with various sports equipment, including treadmills, free weights, and even a climbing wall. The bright space was bathed in light from large windows that overlooked the city, creating an energizing atmosphere.
I gestured around and said, “We also have a relaxation area here, complete with massage tables and soothing aromatherapy to help everyone unwind after a long day. There are also comfy lounge chairs and calming colors that invite you to take a moment for yourself. And if you’re looking for some peace and quiet, we even have a meditation space. It’s completely soundproofed, so it’s perfectly tranquil.”
Elara’s eyes lit up as she took in her surroundings. “Wow, this is incredible! I had no idea you had a whole wellness center right here in the building!” She smiled, clearly impressed. “Your company really knows how to take care of its employees!”
“Well,” I began, “numerous studies have shown that allowing employees at least a two-hour break can significantly improve their concentration and productivity, by as much as 30%. Imagine that: simply stepping away from our desks for a while can lead to such a substantial boost in creativity and output! Unfortunately, many companies still don’t grasp this concept and focus too much on hours worked rather than the actual output and value an employee can provide. And to maximize productivity, it’s crucial not only to compensate employees fairly so they can support their families, but also to provide opportunities for them to recharge. A well-timed break can help someone return to their work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle challenges with renewed energy. This approach is one reason why many technology companies have thrived in recent years, leading the way in innovation and complex problem-solving. They view their employees not merely as numbers, but as individuals with unique psychological, mental, and physical needs. When companies genuinely address these needs, they often see a significant increase in innovative ideas and overall improvements.
As I often remind others, and I must admit, this is something Western cultures excel at more than Eastern cultures, companies here in Europe tend to treat their employees like family members and their managers like friends. I believe Eastern and Islamic companies could learn from this approach. This creates an atmosphere where people feel valued and connected, rather than just cogs in a machine. Imagine a workplace where you’re encouraged to share your ideas and aspirations openly, where all values are embraced, and everyone is united in the same vision and mission. Employees aren’t merely expected to fulfill their basic tasks; they are inspired to contribute to the company’s mission and vision, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their work.
For instance, I read a few years ago about a tech startup that implemented a ‘no-meeting Wednesday’ policy, which I also implemented in our company. As a result, employees reported feeling less stressed and more capable of focusing on deep work, leading to a surge of creative projects that transformed the company’s trajectory. This kind of environment not only boosts productivity but also ignites passion and creativity among the workforce. If we have time later, I’d love to explore this topic in more depth. It’s fascinating how workplace culture can shape not just productivity but the overall success of a company.”
“That’s true,” Elara said, her brow furrowed in thought. “I never looked at it this way, but now that you mention it, many of the best-performing companies around the world are indeed doing what you said.”
“Yes, exactly,” I replied with a nod. “But first, let’s take a short break. How about a ten-minute massage to clear our heads? After that, I’ll show you more of the building, and we can continue our conversation.”
“That’s a fantastic idea!” Elara exclaimed. “After all this dreary weather outside and our deep, fascinating conversations, I could definitely use some relaxation!”
We settled into a fully automated massage chair that enveloped us in soothing comfort. The full-service experience allowed us to unwind as the gentle kneading melted away our tension. Afterward, feeling rejuvenated yet still in need of a caffeine boost, we decided to stroll back to the café for a quick coffee shot.
Once energized, I led Elara to some of our larger meeting rooms, showcasing the open areas where employees could brainstorm and collaborate. Massive whiteboards lined the walls, covered in colorful post-its, illustrating the vibrant flow of ideas and mind maps that sprang to life during team sessions.
Next, we visited an underground room filled with large, powerful computers. “Here,” I explained, “we have the capability to analyze data on a massive scale, enhanced by artificial intelligence. We provide services globally in over 120 languages while operating semi-stationary. Today, our costs are less than 5% of what companies paid ten years ago for similar work.”
“It’s amazing,” Elara marveled, her eyes wide with awe. “What automation has brought to us is truly revolutionary.”
“Yes, indeed,” I said to Elara. Automation has transformed how we work, allowing us to accomplish tasks that once required thousands of employees in just a few minutes. This technology enables us to tackle complex projects and cases through the work automation we’ve developed over the past few years.
We, as company, achieved this by collecting all available open-source data and combining it with our own expertise. With the help of artificial intelligence, which we now refer to as ‘collective intelligence,’ we can connect what is called ‘big data’ in meaningful ways.
Collective intelligence is the shared intelligence that arises when individuals work together, combining their diverse skills and knowledge with the support of technology. And that’s not all. Not only is our system connected to our own knowledge, but it also draws on the vast reservoir of human knowledge accumulated over centuries. By integrating information from various fields, like science, art, technology, and beyond, we can improve our understanding and generate solutions that are far more innovative than any single individual could devise. This collective knowledge allows us to harness the wisdom of countless contributors, fostering creativity and improving problem-solving capabilities. This connectivity provides us access to insights and possibilities that were previously unimaginable. For example, we can analyze trends, predict outcomes, and find solutions to problems that once seemed impossible. Collective intelligence enables us to tap into a wealth of information, leading to more informed decision-making and fostering groundbreaking innovations. As a result, we can solve challenges at a fraction of the cost and time. Tasks that used to take six months of research and manual analysis can now be completed in just a few hours. This efficiency not only reduces costs but also allows us to allocate resources toward innovation and strategic initiatives.
However, it’s important to recognize the investments, both financial and intellectual, that have brought us to this point. The technological advancements we’ve seen over the years have been remarkable, and you’ve experienced these changes firsthand. I will explain in detail how we’ve come this far during our later sessions, as I believe you were less involved with deep tech and financial matters than I was in the past,” I said with a smile.
“Impressive! And thats a good idea,” Elara said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “I must admit, I’m indeed aware that I only scratch the surface of the information available. I don’t know much about the intricate workings and the groundbreaking innovations happening behind closed doors in the high-tech industry.”
She leaned forward, her curiosity piqued. “Now, let’s return to our seats and dive into your teenage years. I’m eager to hear what unfolded next in your journey.”
“That sounds good,” I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nostalgia.
We strolled back to our seats, the soft hum of the coffee corner buzzing around us. Elara opened her laptop again, its screen illuminating her focused expression. I made my way to the coffee corner, pouring a cup of steaming tea for both Elara and myself while grabbing a plate of cookies that were crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside.
Returning to our conversation, I took a deep breath, ready to unravel the next chapter of my story.
“So let’s pick up the story where we left off,” I said. “Once I received approval for my new school and bachelor program, I must admit I was a bit worried about facing more challenges and difficulties. However, to my surprise, the program wasn’t as difficult as I had anticipated. It didn’t feel that way because I had already completed the first year of my Law bachelor, and many subjects in this new program were similar to what I had studied before. For example, the laws and do’s and don’ts for organizations, like Private Rights and EU regulations for businesses, were familiar to me. Additionally, subjects related to information technology and its impact on organizations weren’t new either, as I had already been involved in the hacking community and understood the do’s and don’ts of that world. In fact, I realized I grasped deeper levels of the technology field much better than my own teachers did. Of course, I didn’t share this with anyone during the first year,” I smiled. “And, of course, subjects related to business and sales were not new to me, as I grew up with entrepreneurs, as I mentioned earlier.”
Then I continued, recalling some memories like flashbacks in my mind: “After a few weeks in this new bachelor program, I decided to explore more possibilities to accelerate my learning path. As mentioned earlier, although the program didn’t feel particularly heavy, I also felt the immense pressure of potentially being the next person deported back to Afghanistan due to the new policies enacted in the early 2020s, when the Dutch government began deporting Afghans to help rebuild the country.
After some reflection, I began searching online for ways to expedite my bachelor program, hoping to find resources or strategies that would allow me to complete my degree more quickly. Unfortunately, my efforts yielded little useful information. Not discouraged, I reached out to the spokesperson responsible for academic inquiries in our faculty. He informed me that there were no options to combine two years of coursework into one; the program was strictly designed to be completed in four years, with no flexibility for acceleration.
Confronted with this limitation, I decided to broaden my academic experience. I began looking for opportunities to enroll in additional courses from other faculties and bachelor programs that aligned with my interests and career aspirations. My goal was to make the most of my time at university and acquire a diverse skill set that would improve my future prospects. I was determined not to let the constraints of my program hinder my growth and learning.
In this way, I decided to take courses on European Refugee Rights at the Faculty of Law, where I had a good relationship with my previous professors. This would also help me understand how refugee law functions in Europe and explore ways to prevent potential deportations that could impact us.
But that wasn’t all. I remember that during the weekend, my father asked me what was happening at school, and I explained everything to him, including my decision to take additional courses alongside my bachelor’s degree because I felt I had extra time. This was a huge opportunity for me to explore many subjects without incurring any extra costs.
At home, my father then asked if there was any possibility for me to study the Persian language at the university since my fluency in Persian wasn’t very strong. Although he didn’t mention it, I sensed that he was somewhat disappointed that my Persian skills weren’t more fluent. Additionally, the fact that we could be deported back to Afghanistan was also weighing on my mind. Even my father didn’t bring it up, I realized that improving my reading and writing in Persian was a necessary step. To deepen my understanding of my Persian roots and improve my language skills, particularly my ability to read and write fluently, which I struggled with, I decided to enroll in Persian lessons at the university alongside my current courses.”
I paused, reflecting on my memories, and began to laugh as I continued, “As if that wasn’t enough, I also signed up for a Spanish language course since Spanish is the third most widely spoken language in the world. Then, one day, while browsing the school library, I stumbled upon a folder that caught my attention. It contained information about courses offered by a non-profit organization to our faculty on the history of humankind and the role of religion in society.
I must admit that, as mentioned in our first meetings, I have always been deeply interested in our existence as humans. From a young age, I had countless questions about reality and how it works. The situation in poor countries like Afghanistan raised also many questions for me about how and why humanity has come so far, and what this reality on Earth was in the first place. So, without hesitation, I decided to also enroll in these programs.
As a result, I learned a lot in a short time, and I believe it’s important to discuss this learning further in our next meeting,” I said with a smile. “This topic deserves many hours of discussion, as it has significantly shaped my belief system about the world and my current work, ultimately influencing my perspective on both the world and our reality.”
“Crazy!” Elara exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment. “So, you were following multiple programs and bachelor’s degrees at the same time?”
“Yes, indeed,” I replied with a nostalgic smile. “Looking back, it seems a bit wild, but I was so enthusiastic about my studies that I couldn’t resist diving into everything the university had to offer. I ended up pursuing different bachelor’s degrees simultaneously, alongside courses in Spanish language, religion, and human history. I have to admit, I was a bit crazy back then.
But in my youth, I felt invincible, convinced I could handle it all. I enrolled in multiple colleges, immersing myself in a whirlwind of knowledge. My days were again after all of this packed from 9 to 5, and my nights stretched late into the evening. I dedicated myself to learning seven days a week, often studying from early mornings until almost midnight. Each new course felt like an adventure, and I thrived on the challenge, but now I realize just how ambitious, and perhaps reckless, I was. It was an exhilarating time, full of discovery and growth, but also incredibly exhausting.”
“I can imagine all of this was overwhelming,” said Elara, her eyes wide with surprise. “I can’t imagine living that kind of lifestyle,” she added, shaking her head slightly in disbelief.
“Yeah, it was intense,” I replied, nodding in agreement. “But let’s dive deeper into the other lessons and the rest of my story during our next meeting. How about tomorrow evening at 6 PM? Same place as today? Does that work for you? It’s getting late now,” I added with a smile, glancing at the clock on the wall.
“Yes, that sounds perfect,” Elara said, gathering her things. “It’s already getting late indeed, and I really need some time to organize my thoughts and document all that we’ve discussed.”
I stood up and reached for my coat. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” I said warmly. We exchanged kisses on the cheeks and parted ways, the cool evening air greeting us as we stepped outside.
“Good night!” I called out, waving as we headed in opposite directions. Elara smiled and waved back before disappearing into the night.
Part 2 and more chapters will be added soon.