When people ask me what I think about the rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it can be used more widely by businesses and individuals, my answer is clear: AI alone isn’t going to bring about the big changes we see coming. Instead, it’s a combination of
Onlangs werd mij de vraag gesteld: Hoe kan AI de kracht van informele netwerken versterken met feitelijke kennis (dus gevalideerde informatie) over thema’s zoals gezondheidszorg en energie, om gesprekken en potentiële samenwerkingen met zowel lokale als regionale overheden te faciliteren? En wat is de rol van startups in deze regionale netwerken, iets wat we waarnemen in de energietransitie?
Recently, I was asked: How can AI strengthen the power of informal networks with factual knowledge (so validated information) on themes such as healthcare and energy, to facilitate conversations and potential collaborations with both local and regional governments? And what is the role of startups in these regional networks, something we observe in the energy transition?
In the video